  • 1. Service Provider's Area of ​​Responsibility
  • 2. Payment Procedure
  • 3. Refund
  • 4. Client's Rights and Obligations
  • 5. Service Provider's Rights and Obligations
  • 6. Prohibited Content and Software
  • 7. Termination of Services at the Initiative of the Service Provider
  • 8. The Service Provider is Not Liable
  • 9. Service Level Guarantee
  • 10. Email Notification
Terms of Service
  • 1. Service Provider's Area of ​​Responsibility
    Problems with host machines and communications are the responsibility of the service provider.
    Problems with the operating system, any software installed on the virtual server by the client are the responsibility of the client.
  • 2. Payment procedure
    Services are provided on the basis of 100% payment within 3 (three) business days after payment.
    Payment by individuals is made only through electronic payments.
    Payment for hosting is made in rubles based on the current tariffs published on the official website of the service provider at:
    A commission of intermediaries and payment systems may be added to the payment.
    In the event of failure to pay for the next hosting period, the service provider suspends the provision of services.
    After the suspension of services, the data is stored for 8 hours. After this period, all customer data related to the service provided may be deleted without the possibility of recovery.
    In the event of full payment after suspension of the service, the service is resumed within 24 (twenty-four) hours.
    When connecting the "Autopayment" option, the Client gives permission to the service provider to write off funds from the linked bank account in the amount necessary to activate the service(s), taking into account the available balance of funds in the personal account.
    The Client has the right to disable autopayments at any time in the personal account at
  • 3. Refund
    Refunds are only possible in the event of server failure due to the fault of the service provider and for actually unused days.
    Refunds are made within 24 hours to the account from which the payment was made.
    To return funds, you must write a request letter to support with the subject "Refund" in your personal account at
    In case of violation of the terms of service, the service provider has the right to refuse the client a refund.
    If, due to the fault of the client to whom the refund is made, the service provider incurred losses (disabling servers, networks, IP blacklisting, etc.), the amount of costs incurred by the service provider is deducted from the refund amount.
    The client may be denied a refund if fraud or violation of the terms of service described in this offer.
  • 4. Rights and obligations of the client
    The client is granted access (unless otherwise agreed) to the server and the client bears all responsibility associated with it.
    The client has the right to install and use any software on his server if it is legal and does not violate copyright and related rights, as well as the norms of the current legislation of the countries where the services are hosted and the norms of international law.
    The client is obliged to monitor the compliance of all posted materials, the software used, the content hosted on the server, and be responsible for its compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the UK.
    All questions related to the operability of the client's hosting are accepted only in support requests in the personal account at
    In case of blocking the client's hosting due to a complaint and / or due to other reasons 1 (one) or more than 1 (one) time per month (network scan, outgoing DDoS attacks, etc.) and the client fails to take action on the complaint, the service provider has the right to terminate the service early and block the client without the possibility of a refund.
    If the client fails to take action on the complaint, the service provider reserves the right to block the client without further notice.
    The service provider has the right to terminate the client's service early based on the complaint without notice, regardless of the number of complaints received.
    The service provider has the right not to provide time limits for eliminating the causes of complaints.
    The service provider has the right not to provide data from the client's stopped server if it was blocked for a complaint. In other cases - at the discretion of the service provider.
    The service provider reserves the right to suspend or terminate the client's access to the account if additional accounts created by the same client are discovered, which violate paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of the terms of use. Confirmation of the connection between accounts may include, but is not limited to: matching personal data, IP addresses, access devices, payment details or other factors indicating that the accounts belong to the same person. The decision to block is made based on a comprehensive analysis of available information and may be revised if the client provides convincing evidence of the absence of violations.
  • 5. Rights and obligations of the service provider
    The service provider's services are provided "as is", the service provider reserves the right to revise the rules for the provision of services, including pricing policy and tariff characteristics at any time, with prior notice to the client, the new rules come into effect at the time of their publication on the official website of the service provider.
    The service provider undertakes to maintain the proper quality of host machines and eliminate all faults as soon as possible.
    The service provider does not guarantee 100% availability of the network and host machines.
    All scheduled technical work, updates and similar activities are carried out from 4:00 to 10:00 Moscow time. This clause does not include force majeure situations and unscheduled work.
    The service provider is not responsible for the inability to access services due to the fault of third parties.
    The service provider reserves the right to stop the client's services and servers for: Scheduled maintenance, due to DDoS attacks and network attacks, as a result of natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances.
    The service provider provides technical support services to clients based on the client's request through the personal account at the rates published on the official website of the service provider, located at
    The service provider is not responsible for the operation of third-party software on the service provider's servers, including software purchased from the service provider.
  • 6. Prohibited content and software
    It is prohibited to host pornography, including links and advertisements containing pornographic scenes.
    It is prohibited to host information and software that contradict and/or are prohibited by Russian legislation, the law on copyright and related rights.
    It is prohibited to host software for botnets, mining, grabbing, phishing, and other purposes that clearly contradict legal work on the Internet.
    It is prohibited to carry out mass mailings, except in cases authorized by the service provider.
    It is prohibited to host services (including those with paid or private access) that can serve as auxiliary means for illegal actions on the Internet.
    It is prohibited to host network scanners, proxy checkers, and similar software.
    The network speed on virtual servers is limited to 500 Mbit. There are no Russia/foreign countries or incoming/outgoing ratios. In order to provide our clients with comfortable work with servers, we apply a "Fair Use Policy" of traffic, excluding the possibility of abuse or illegal use of the channel by individual clients. We have the right, after the server reaches a certain volume of traffic (which can be determined separately for each tariff), to reduce the network access speed for this order until the end of the billing month (shaping) to 10 or 100 Mbit/s.
  • 7. Termination of Services at the Initiative of the Service Provider
    The Service Provider reserves the right to terminate the provision of services at its sole discretion, immediately and without notice in the event of:
    Unauthorized distribution or copying of copyrighted software, violation of UK law, other international regulations and agreements, export restrictions, fraud, trafficking in pornographic materials, drugs and other illegal activities;
    Bulk mailings for which the users did not explicitly consent;
    Defamation, distribution of personal information, violation of copyright and related rights, intellectual property rights;
    Posting pornographic content in all its manifestations, including links to other sites with pornographic content;
    Violation of privacy and property rights; posting slanderous and offensive information, aiding and abetting ethnic hatred, murder, terrorism, violence in any form
    Obstructing the normal and stable operation of servers, network resources, and the general work of the service provider;
    Indicating knowingly false client data or refusing to confirm it;
    Incorrect communication with the service provider's employees, including the use of obscene language and the dissemination of slanderous information about the service provider;
    The service provider reserves the right to transfer information about the client in the event of an official request from law enforcement agencies.
  • 8. The service provider is not responsible
    For the client's choice of operating system, software and the consequences that this may entail.
    For any types of direct or indirect damage, loss of information, business reputation and other cases of damage.
    The service provider does not check the content of the client's hosting. The exception is cases of receiving a reasoned complaint from a third party.
  • 9. Service Level Guarantee
    The service provider guarantees that the availability of hosting servers will be maintained at a level of 98% per month.
    In the event of a disruption in service availability of less than 98% each, then a full day (24 hours) of service downtime is compensated to the client in double the amount.
    Compensation is accrued only in the form of additional service days and cannot be paid in monetary terms.
    Compensation is accrued based on a support request in your personal account at
  • 10. E-mail notification
    Registration of the client in the personal account at means the client's automatic consent to receive informational e-mail messages, including offers of services from the service provider.
    Refusal to receive notifications is possible only in the event of complete closure of the client's account.
    The service provider disclaims responsibility for the client's failure to receive important informational messages via e-mail messages.